Yazoo is the "middle child" out of three Remnants of Sephiroth (Loz is the oldest and Kadaj is the youngest), and is the calmest of the trio. He possess the aspects of Sephiroth's enigmatic allure and taunting opponents during battle. Yazoo also has a habit of sarcastically criticizing others, even Loz. It was Yazoo who gathered the GeoStigma infected children, their "Bloodhounds" for finding Jenova's head.
Yazoo has a gun blade-style firearm called The Velvet Nightmare, which is a gun with a blade connected to it. He and Loz usually fought together as they battled Reno and Rude, and double-teamed Cloud on three occasions. After Sephiroth's demise, Yazoo and Loz began to fade from exposure to the Lifestream-induced rain caused by Aerith. However, using the Materia in their bodies as an anchor, the two intended in vain to take Cloud with them in an explosion of excessive materia atop Shin-Ra Corp building.
Yazoo has a gun blade-style firearm called The Velvet Nightmare, which is a gun with a blade connected to it. He and Loz usually fought together as they battled Reno and Rude, and double-teamed Cloud on three occasions. After Sephiroth's demise, Yazoo and Loz began to fade from exposure to the Lifestream-induced rain caused by Aerith. However, using the Materia in their bodies as an anchor, the two intended in vain to take Cloud with them in an explosion of excessive materia atop Shin-Ra Corp building.
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete
Supporting OVA