Ryo Sakazaki
Ryo Sakazaki is a video game character developed for the fighting game Art of Fighting from SNK Playmore (formerly SNK). His name is most often written in kana, however, in some games kanji is used to write parts of his name. In the series, Ryo is a martial artist that practices his family's fighting style, the Kyokugenryu Karate. He and his best friend Robert Garcia enter the Southtown city to rescue Ryo's sister, Yuri Sakazaki. In their fights, Ryo and Robert learn that the Sakazaki became the target from the criminal Geese Howard, and decide to face him. Ryo is also a regular character in the crossover series The King of Fighters, in which he participates in fighting tournament in a team composed of his friends and family. He would also make appearance in other SNK games under the name of Mr. Karate II (二代目Mr.カラテ). Additionally, he stars in manhua adaptations of the several series, and appeared in the anime film from Art of Fighting.
Ryo has been well-received by gamers; his character has ranked high in several popularity polls from journals. Video game publications have provided praise and criticism on Ryo's character. While Ryo has been criticized for its similarities with the Street Fighter video games' characters, several reviewers have praised his development in several games from SNK such as his introduction in The King of Fighters.
Ryo has been well-received by gamers; his character has ranked high in several popularity polls from journals. Video game publications have provided praise and criticism on Ryo's character. While Ryo has been criticized for its similarities with the Street Fighter video games' characters, several reviewers have praised his development in several games from SNK such as his introduction in The King of Fighters.
Art of Fighting
Main OVA

Campos, Marcelo
Prata, Patrizio
Lee, Ju Chang
Bessho, Tetsuya
Takakura, Daiki