Nagamasa Gadou
我堂 長政
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Eye color: blue green (#56807e)
Hairstyle: None, Bald
Affiliation: Adjuvant Supreme Commander
Occupation: Promoter
Partner: Mibu Asaka
Initiator-Promoter rank: 275
Nagamasa Gadou is known as the Adjuvant Supreme Commander. He wears a sengoku era Japanese armor and has the IP rank 275. He has a son named Hidehiko Gado, which became a promoter/civil officer because Nagamasa told him to become one.
Race: Human
Eye color: blue green (#56807e)
Hairstyle: None, Bald
Affiliation: Adjuvant Supreme Commander
Occupation: Promoter
Partner: Mibu Asaka
Initiator-Promoter rank: 275
Nagamasa Gadou is known as the Adjuvant Supreme Commander. He wears a sengoku era Japanese armor and has the IP rank 275. He has a son named Hidehiko Gado, which became a promoter/civil officer because Nagamasa told him to become one.
Black Bullet
Supporting TV