One of the Deva servants of Zhuqiaomon.
Makuramon first appears in the guise of a young human boy to spy on the Tamers. In the frenzy of the Vikaralamon battle, Makuramon kidnaps Culumon and escapes into the Digital World. Makuramon is then on the run from the Tamers and is eventually killed and absorbed by a power-hungry Beelzebumon.
Makuramon first appears in the guise of a young human boy to spy on the Tamers. In the frenzy of the Vikaralamon battle, Makuramon kidnaps Culumon and escapes into the Digital World. Makuramon is then on the run from the Tamers and is eventually killed and absorbed by a power-hungry Beelzebumon.
Digimon Tamers
Supporting TV

Horikawa, Ryo