Kenya Oshitari
忍足 謙也
Grade: year 3, class 2 #5
Birthdate: 3/17 (pisces)
Blood type: B
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Foot size: 27cm
Eyesight: 2.0 in both sides
Speed of spinning pen during class: Cannot be determined
Tennis Style: Speed Tennis
Hand: Right
Fave food: Vegetable Juice, Oden with muscle inside
Hobbies: Window-shopping
Family: Father, Mother, Younger brother, Iguana, cousin (Oshitari Yuushi)
Father's occupation: Doctor (home doctor)
Committee: Broadcasting
Best subject: English, Math
Worst subject: world history
Most visited spot in the school: 放送室 (broadcasting room)
*Went to the same elementary school as Yuushi*
Spends his allowance on: hair bleach
Motto: NOスピードNOライフ (No speed no life)
Movie: Speed
Book: モータースポーツマンガ (motor sports manga)
Music: Rap
Color: Red, White
Type: An innocent girl
Favorite date spot: Go on a roller coaster in an Amusement park
Most desired/needed item: New belt
Daily routine: Takes care of his iguana
Dislikes: Waiting
Special skill: Drums
Known as Naniwa's Speed Star, Kenya is even faster than Kamio Akira. Originally scheduled to play doubles 1 against Seigaku, Kenya selflessly agreed to sit on the bench in order for his teammate Chitose Senri to play against Tezuka Kunimitsu.
Birthdate: 3/17 (pisces)
Blood type: B
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Foot size: 27cm
Eyesight: 2.0 in both sides
Speed of spinning pen during class: Cannot be determined
Tennis Style: Speed Tennis
Hand: Right
Fave food: Vegetable Juice, Oden with muscle inside
Hobbies: Window-shopping
Family: Father, Mother, Younger brother, Iguana, cousin (Oshitari Yuushi)
Father's occupation: Doctor (home doctor)
Committee: Broadcasting
Best subject: English, Math
Worst subject: world history
Most visited spot in the school: 放送室 (broadcasting room)
*Went to the same elementary school as Yuushi*
Spends his allowance on: hair bleach
Motto: NOスピードNOライフ (No speed no life)
Movie: Speed
Book: モータースポーツマンガ (motor sports manga)
Music: Rap
Color: Red, White
Type: An innocent girl
Favorite date spot: Go on a roller coaster in an Amusement park
Most desired/needed item: New belt
Daily routine: Takes care of his iguana
Dislikes: Waiting
Special skill: Drums
Known as Naniwa's Speed Star, Kenya is even faster than Kamio Akira. Originally scheduled to play doubles 1 against Seigaku, Kenya selflessly agreed to sit on the bench in order for his teammate Chitose Senri to play against Tezuka Kunimitsu.
The Prince of Tennis II OVA vs Genius10
Supporting OVA -
The Prince of Tennis II
Supporting TV -
The Prince of Tennis II: Specials
Supporting Special