Gaku Izumi
和泉 岳
Birthday: May 5
Height: 165 cm
Blood Type: B
Favorite Subject: "There is no 'best' or 'worst' subject. So long as one works hard, one will be able to get a good grade. Therefore there is no 'worst' subject for me and actually they are all 'best subjects' to me."
Interests: "I don't have any particular interests because I approach everything with utmost concentration."
Favorite food: "To the current, 17-years-old me, the body will continue to grow and requires adequate nutrients to be sufficiently healthy. If I continue to intake of the necessary nutrients; that will in turn be reflected by my growth. Based on my regime I will be able to reach height of 180 cm soon."
Disliked food: "On this planet, the foods that people consume are inevitably made by someone. As soon as you think about the preparation made to the food there is no such thing as favorite or at least favorite food. Furthermore this planet has many people that are starving. We as the citizens of Japan, are fortunate enough to have such an abundance of food. Because of this, people should eat less."
Student council Vice President along with Shinagawa. He is really good at fighting but cannot beat Adachi in a fight. He is also good at studying, though his grades are not as good as Chiba's. He also tends to get really hyped up over the smallest things. He used to be in a motor cycle gang and still loves to wear his old gang outfit. He talks a lot.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Height: 165 cm
Blood Type: B
Favorite Subject: "There is no 'best' or 'worst' subject. So long as one works hard, one will be able to get a good grade. Therefore there is no 'worst' subject for me and actually they are all 'best subjects' to me."
Interests: "I don't have any particular interests because I approach everything with utmost concentration."
Favorite food: "To the current, 17-years-old me, the body will continue to grow and requires adequate nutrients to be sufficiently healthy. If I continue to intake of the necessary nutrients; that will in turn be reflected by my growth. Based on my regime I will be able to reach height of 180 cm soon."
Disliked food: "On this planet, the foods that people consume are inevitably made by someone. As soon as you think about the preparation made to the food there is no such thing as favorite or at least favorite food. Furthermore this planet has many people that are starving. We as the citizens of Japan, are fortunate enough to have such an abundance of food. Because of this, people should eat less."
Student council Vice President along with Shinagawa. He is really good at fighting but cannot beat Adachi in a fight. He is also good at studying, though his grades are not as good as Chiba's. He also tends to get really hyped up over the smallest things. He used to be in a motor cycle gang and still loves to wear his old gang outfit. He talks a lot.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Yankee-kun na Yamada-kun to Megane-chan to Majo
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