Enzan Ijuuin
Enzan is your classic type of "I'm the best there is, now prove to me that your worthy to fight me" kind of character. Enzan is the creator and operator of the net navi Blues, otherwise known as Protoman. Both of them are very skilled and powerful fighters, Enzan alone is nicknamed the "prodigy netbattler" with hundreds of undefeated matches.
Enzan takes on in interest in Netto and Rockman early on in the series, after he hears rumors about the "incredible blue navi" that's been solving crimes on the net. However he believes that Netto isn't all that he has cracked up to be, as Blues ends up saving Rockman from deletion more than once.
As the series progresses further, we see Enzan opening up to Netto and his friends more and more. Eventually, we even get to see this boy start to smile on a daily basis (or almost). Still, Enzan never loses his series attitude, and he's always the first to think things through properly. He balances the rash Netto out quite well when they're in battle together.
It is learned towards the end of Axess that
Enzan lost his mother at a very young age. His father, Shuuseki Ijuin, threw Enzan headfirst into the corporation of IPC as Vice-President. Having never known a true childhood, we can see where Enzan's cold demeanor came from.
Enzan takes on in interest in Netto and Rockman early on in the series, after he hears rumors about the "incredible blue navi" that's been solving crimes on the net. However he believes that Netto isn't all that he has cracked up to be, as Blues ends up saving Rockman from deletion more than once.
As the series progresses further, we see Enzan opening up to Netto and his friends more and more. Eventually, we even get to see this boy start to smile on a daily basis (or almost). Still, Enzan never loses his series attitude, and he's always the first to think things through properly. He balances the rash Netto out quite well when they're in battle together.
It is learned towards the end of Axess that
Enzan lost his mother at a very young age. His father, Shuuseki Ijuin, threw Enzan headfirst into the corporation of IPC as Vice-President. Having never known a true childhood, we can see where Enzan's cold demeanor came from.
Rockman.EXE Movie: Hikari to Yami no Program
Main Movie -
MegaMan: Axess
Main TV -
Rockman.EXE Stream
Main TV -
Rockman.EXE Beast
Main TV -
MegaMan NT Warrior
Main TV -
Rockman.EXE Beast+
Main TV

Bezerra, Wendel
Saiga, Mitsuki
Schulz, Sebastian
Lee, Myeong Seon
O, In Seong
Steiner, Kristóf
Nissolino, Alessio
Switzer, Bill